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Oakfield Consultancy

Fire Safety

Fire Safety

Key services include:

Fire Risk Assessments - ​Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 there is a legal requirement for all employers, or those responsible for a premises and its occupiers (the Responsible Person), to carry out a Fire Risk Assessment, to identify fire hazards and the general fire precautions necessary to protect the building, its occupants and to reduce the risk of a fire arising.

This responsibility does not only apply to single workplaces but also to:

  • Common areas and parts of buildings under the direct control of the Landlord, such as plant rooms, in multi occupied buildings

  • ​Shops, shopping centres and retail warehouses

  • ​Schools and educational buildings

  • ​Healthcare buildings​

  • Hotels, hostels and B&Bs

  • ​Common areas within blocks of flats

  • ​HMOs - houses in multiple occupation

  • ​Ecclesiastical buildings including churches

  • ​Public assembly buildings including clubs and cinemas


Oakfield Consultancy has experience in carrying out fire risk assessments for:

  • Offices

  • Shops

  • Warehousing

  • Production 

  • R&D

  • Restaurants

  • Residential including blocks flats and HMOs

  • Museums

  • Historic Buildings and attractions

  • Churches

By undertaking a Fire Risk Assessment and implementing the recommendations made, you will not only be meeting your legal and moral obligations to your staff, visitors and the general public, you will also be reducing the risks to your premises and other assets and increasing the likelihood of business continuity should a fire occur.

A Fire Risk Assessment carried out by Oakfield Consultancy will include the following:

Identification of fire hazards:

  • Sources of ignition

  • Sources of fuel

  • Sources of oxygen


Identification of people at risk:

  • People in and around the premises

  • People especially at risk


Evaluation, removal, reduction and protection from identified risks:

  • Evaluation of the risk of a fire occurring and the risk to people from fire

  • Removal or reduction of the identified fire hazards and the risks to people

  • Assessment of the need or suitability of:
          o   Fire detection and warning systems
          o   Fire fighting equipment
          o   Escape routes
          o   Lighting
          o   Emergency signage and notices
          o   Maintenance and checking of fire safety systems and records


Recording, planning, informing, instructing and training:

  • Recording of all significant findings and actions to be taken

  • Evaluation of emergency plans and procedures

  • Informing and instructing relevant people including general staff in general fire awareness and the emergency procedures

  • Co-operation and co-ordination with others including other tenants and landlords/managing agents

  • Advice on training requirements including Fire Warden training and carrying out of evacuation exercises

  • Review

  • Keeping the Fire Risk Assessment under review, particularly following change within the business or working environment and after a major incident, but as a minimum annually

  • Revise the Fire Risk Assessment where necessary

Following the site inspection, which includes a detailed tour of the site and buildings, a detailed Fire Risk Assessment Report will be issued. Included within the report will be:

  • An executive summary and outline Fire Strategy

  • A list of the Significant Findings

  • Clear recommendations on the Actions required to eliminate or minimise the identified risks and for the achievement of legislative compliance

Fire door inspections - the component parts, condition and operation of fire doors form a critical role in the prevention of the spread of smoke and fire between compartments within a building.

Recorded fire door inspections are now a legal requirement for flat entrance doors and doors within the common areas for blocks of flats over 11m or 4 stories with formal fire safety guidance recommending regular inspections, depending on the frequency and use of the doors.


Fire doors provide part of the essential passive fire protection that allow for life safety by the protection of critical areas within a building, including the prevention of the spread of fire from high risk areas and into escape routes, to enable the safe evacuation of occupiers. 

Fire door inspections will provide building owners and managers with a detailed report on the condition and operation of the fire doors and what remedial works are required to bring them up to the standard required.


This will include assessments of the type of door, the door frame and setting into the surrounding structure, intumescent strips / cold smoke seals, glazing, hinges, locks / latches and self closing / hold open devices.

Review of existing Fire Risk Assessments - this should be carried out annually or following any significant changes in the workplace or major incident

General fire safety advice - including site inspections and gap analysis of premises pre-occupation and at design stage, active fire systems including fire alarms, sprinklers and fire extinguishers, passive fire systems such as fire doors, fire stopping and compartmentation

Development of fire safety plans and emergency procedures - can be undertaken as a stand-alone service at the start of a new occupation including evacuation plans and drills 

Development of Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) - for occupiers with disabilities or who may require assistance in an evacuation or other emergency

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